Machine Learning, Data Science and Generative AI with Python
This course begins with a Python crash course and then guides you on setting up Microsoft Windows-based PCs, Linux desktops, and Macs. After the setup, we delve into machine learning, AI, and data mining techniques, which include deep learning and neural networks with TensorFlow and Keras; generative models with variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks; data visualization in Python with Matplotlib and Seaborn; transfer learning, sentiment analysis, image recognition, and classification; regression analysis, K-Means Clustering, Principal Component Analysis, training/testing and cross-validation, Bayesian methods, decision trees, and random forests.
Additionally, we will cover multiple regression, multilevel models, support vector machines, reinforcement learning, collaborative filtering, K-Nearest Neighbors, the bias/variance tradeoff, ensemble learning, term frequency/inverse document frequency, experimental design, and A/B testing, feature engineering, hyperparameter tuning, and much more! There's a dedicated section on machine learning with Apache Spark to scale up these techniques to "big data" analyzed on a computing cluster.
The course will cover the Transformer architecture, delve into the role of self-attention in AI, explore GPT applications, and practice fine-tuning Transformers for tasks such as movie review analysis. Furthermore, we will look at integrating the OpenAI API for ChatGPT, creating with DALL-E, understanding embeddings, and leveraging audio-to-text to enhance AI with real-world data and moderation.
المسئول | Ahmed Abd Elfattah |
آخر تحديث | 26 ديسمبر, 2024 |
الأعضاء | 1 |
1.1 Introduction
1.2 [Activity] Windows: Installing and Using Anaconda and Course Materials
1.3 [Activity] MAC: Installing and Using Anaconda and Course Materials
1.4 [Activity] Linux: Installing and Using Anaconda and Course Materials
1.5 Python Basics, Part 1 [Optional]
1.6 [Activity] Python Basics, Part 2 [Optional]
1.7 [Activity] Python Basics, Part 3 [Optional]
1.8 [Activity] Python Basics, Part 4 [Optional]
1.9 Introducing the Pandas Library [Optional]
2.1 Types of Data (Numerical, Categorical, Ordinal)
2.2 Mean, Median, Mode
2.3 [Activity] Using Mean, Median, and Mode in Python
2.4 [Activity] Variation and Standard Deviation
2.5 Probability Density Function; Probability Mass Function
2.6 Common Data Distributions (Normal, Binomial, Poisson, and So On)
2.7 [Activity] Percentiles and Moments
2.8 [Activity] A Crash Course in matplotlib
2.9 [Activity] Advanced Visualization with Seaborn
2.10 [Activity] Covariance and Correlation
2.11 [Exercise] Conditional Probability
2.12 Exercise Solution: Conditional Probability of Purchase by Age
2.13 Bayes’ Theorem
3.1 [Activity] Linear Regression
3.2 [Activity] Polynomial Regression
3.3 [Activity] Multiple Regression and Predicting Car Prices
3.4 Multi-Level Models
4.1 Supervised Versus Unsupervised Learning, and Train/Test
4.2 [Activity] Using Train/Test to Prevent Overfitting a Polynomial Regression
4.3 Bayesian Methods: Concepts
4.4 [Activity] Implementing a Spam Classifier with Naive Bayes
4.5 K-Means Clustering
4.6 [Activity] Clustering People Based on Income and Age
4.7 Measuring Entropy
4.8 [Activity] Windows: Installing GraphViz
4.9 [Activity] MAC: Installing GraphViz
4.10 [Activity] Linux: Installing GraphViz
4.11 Decision Trees: Concepts
4.12 [Activity] Decision Trees: Predicting Hiring Decisions
4.13 Ensemble Learning
4.14 [Activity] XGBoost
4.15 Support Vector Machines (SVM) Overview
4.16 [Activity] Using SVM to Cluster People Using Scikit-Learn
5.1 User-Based Collaborative Filtering
5.2 Item-Based Collaborative Filtering
5.3 [Activity] Finding Movie Similarities Using Cosine Similarity
5.4 [Activity] Improving the Results of Movie Similarities
5.5 [Activity] Making Movie Recommendations with Item-Based Collaborative Filtering
5.6 [Exercise] Improve the Recommender’s Results
6.1 K-Nearest-Neighbors: Concepts
6.2 [Activity] Using KNN to Predict a Rating for a Movie
6.3 Dimensionality Reduction; Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
6.4 [Activity] PCA Example with the Iris Dataset
6.5 Data Warehousing Overview: ETL and ELT
6.6 Reinforcement Learning
6.7 [Activity] Reinforcement Learning and Q-Learning with Gym
6.8 Understanding a Confusion Matrix
6.9 Measuring Classifiers (Precision, Recall, F1, ROC, AUC)
7.1 Bias/Variance Tradeoff
7.2 [Activity] K-Fold Cross-Validation to Avoid Overfitting
7.3 Data Cleaning and Normalization
7.4 [Activity] Cleaning Web Log Data
7.5 Normalizing Numerical Data
7.6 [Activity] Detecting Outliers
7.7 Feature Engineering and the Curse of Dimensionality
7.8 Imputation Techniques for Missing Data
7.9 Handling Unbalanced Data: Oversampling, Undersampling, and SMOTE
7.10 Binning, Transforming, Encoding, Scaling, and Shuffling
8.1 [Activity] Installing Spark - Part 1
8.2 [Activity] Installing Spark - Part 2
8.3 Spark Introduction
8.4 Spark and the Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)
8.5 Introducing MLLib
8.6 Introduction to Decision Trees in Spark
8.7 [Activity] K-Means Clustering in Spark
8.8 TF / IDF
8.9 [Activity] Searching Wikipedia with Spark
8.10 [Activity] Using the Spark DataFrame API for MLLib
9.1 Deploying Models to Real-Time Systems
9.2 A/B Testing Concepts
9.3 T-Tests and P-Values
9.4 [Activity] Hands-On with T-Tests
9.5 Determining How Long to Run an Experiment
9.6 A/B Test Gotchas
10.1 Deep Learning Prerequisites
10.2 The History of Artificial Neural Networks
10.3 [Activity] Deep Learning in the TensorFlow Playground
10.4 Deep Learning Details
10.5 Introducing TensorFlow
10.6 [Activity] Using TensorFlow, Part 1
10.7 [Activity] Using TensorFlow, Part 2
10.8 [Activity] Introducing Keras
10.9 [Activity] Using Keras to Predict Political Affiliations
10.10 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
10.11 [Activity] Using CNNs for Handwriting Recognition
10.12 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
10.13 [Activity] Using a RNN for Sentiment Analysis
10.14 [Activity] Transfer Learning
10.15 Tuning Neural Networks: Learning Rate and Batch Size Hyperparameters
10.16 Deep Learning Regularization with Dropout and Early Stopping
10.17 The Ethics of Deep Learning
11.1 Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs) - How They Work
11.2 Variational Auto-Encoders (VAE) - Hands-On with Fashion MNIST
11.3 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) - How They Work
11.4 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) - Playing with Some Demos
11.5 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) - Hands-On with Fashion MNIST
11.6 Learning More about Deep Learning
12.1 The Transformer Architecture (encoders, decoders, and self-attention.)
12.2 Self-Attention, Masked Self-Attention, and Multi-Headed Self Attention in depth
12.3 Applications of Transformers (GPT)
12.4 How GPT Works, Part 1: The GPT Transformer Architecture
12.5 How GPT Works, Part 2: Tokenization, Positional Encoding, Embedding
12.6 Fine Tuning / Transfer Learning with Transformers
12.7 [Activity] Tokenization with Google CoLab and HuggingFace
12.8 [Activity] Positional Encoding
12.9 [Activity] Masked, Multi-Headed Self Attention with BERT, BERTViz, and exBERT
12.10 [Activity] Using small and large GPT models within Google CoLab and HuggingFace
12.11 [Activity] Fine Tuning GPT with the IMDb dataset
12.12 From GPT to ChatGPT: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Proximal Policy Gradients
12.13 From GPT to ChatGPT: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback and Moderation
13.1 [Activity] The OpenAI Chat Completions API
13.2 [Activity] Using Functions in the OpenAI Chat Completion API
13.3 [Activity] The Images (DALL-E) API in OpenAI
13.4 [Activity] The Embeddings API in OpenAI: Finding similarities between words
13.5 [Activity] The Completions API in OpenAI
13.6 The Legacy Fine-Tuning API for GPT Models in OpenAI
13.7 [Demo] Fine-Tuning OpenAI's Davinci Model to simulate Data from Star Trek
13.8 The New OpenAI Fine-Tuning API; Fine-Tuning GPT-3.5 to simulate Commander Data!
13.9 [Activity] The OpenAI Moderation API
13.10 [Activity] The OpenAI Audio API (speech to text)
14.1 Your Final Project Assignment: Mammogram Classification
14.2 Final Project Review
15.1 More to Explore