ASP.NET Core MVC [.NET 8] - The Complete Guide
This course begins with an introduction, setting you up with essential tools and a clear roadmap for your learning journey. Delve into the fundamentals of .NET Core, understanding the MVC architecture, routing intricacies, and dependency injection.
As the course progresses, you'll dive into Category and Product CRUD operations, gaining hands-on experience with database connectivity, Entity Framework Core, and dynamic UI development. We will learn the nuances of Razor Projects and the significance of N-Tier Architecture, enhancing your understanding of scalable and maintainable code structures. The Repository Pattern module deepens your grasp of efficient data handling, leading to seamless database transitions. We will also cover shopping cart implementation, order processing, and user management. You'll tackle advanced features like product image handling, social logins, and interactive UI elements, ensuring your e-commerce platform stands out.
As you approach the course's climax, the focus shifts to crucial aspects of user authentication, role management, and secure user experiences with .NET Core Identity. The final modules guide you through deploying your application, integrating email services with SendGrid, and refining your project for real-world use.
Responsible | Ahmed Abd Elfattah |
Last Update | 26/12/2024 |
Members | 1 |
1.1 Welcome|New
1.2 What we will Build|New
1.3 Dot Net Core Roadmap|New
1.4 Project Resources|New
1.5 Prerequisites|New
1.6 Tools Needed|New
1.7 Download .NET 8 and VS Preview|New
1.8 Course Overview|New
1.9 Create Project|New
1.10 Project File|New
1.11 Launch Settings|New
1.12 wwwroot and appsettings|New
1.13 Program File|New
1.14 MVC Architecture|New
1.15 Routing Overview|New
1.16 Routing in Action|New
1.17 Default Views|New
1.18 What is Dependency Injection?|New
1.19 Go Easy on Yourself!|New
2.1 Create Category Model|New
2.2 Data Annotations|New
2.3 Connection String|New
2.4 Nuget Packages for Entity Framework Core|New
2.5 Setup ApplicationDbContext|New
2.6 Create Database|New
2.7 Create Category Table|New
2.8 Add Category Controller|New
2.9 Add Category Link in Header|New
2.10 Seed Category Table|New
2.11 Get all Categories|New
2.12 Hot Reload|New
2.13 Display all Categories|New
2.14 Bootswatch Theme and Bootstrap Icons|New
2.15 Design Category List Page|New
2.16 Create Category UI|New
2.17 Input Tag Helpers|New
2.18 Create Category|New
2.19 Server Side Validations|New
2.20 Custom Validations|New
2.21 Asp Validation Summary|New
2.22 Client Side Validation|New
2.23 Edit and Delete Buttons|New
2.24 Get Category Details to Edit|New
2.25 Update Category|New
2.26 Update Category in Action|New
2.27 Get and Post Action for Delete Category|New
2.28 Delete Category in Action|New
2.29 TempData|New
2.30 Partial Views|New
2.31 Toastr Notification|New
3.1 Create Razor Project|New
3.2 What's Different in Razor Project?|New
3.3 Setup EF Core|New
3.4 Create first Razor Page|New
3.5 Display all Categories|New
3.6 Create Category UI|New
3.7 Create Category Post Handler|New
3.8 Edit and Delete Category|New
3.9 Toastr Notifications and Partial Views|New
4.1 Create More Projects|New
4.2 Modify Styling|New
4.3 Modify UI of Category Pages|New
4.4 N-Tier Architecture|New
4.5 How to Reset Database|New
4.6 Bonus - Dependency Injection Service Lifetimes|New
5.1 IRepository Interface|New
5.2 Implement Repository Interface|New
5.3 Implement ICategoryRepository|New
5.4 Implement Category Repository|New
5.5 Replace DbContext with Category Repository|New
5.6 How Easy is it to move to a Different Database?|New
5.7 Renaming Project and Solving Issues|New
5.8 UnitOfWork Implementation|New
5.9 UnitOfWork in Action|New
5.10 Areas in .NET|New
5.11 Dropdown in NavBar|New
6.1 Create Product Model|New
6.2 Seed Product and Assignment 1|New
6.3 Assignment 1 Solution - Product Repository and UnitOfWork|New
6.4 Assignment 2 - Product CRUD Operations|New
6.5 Assignment 2 Solution - Product CRUD Operations|New
6.6 Add Foreign Key in EF Core|New
6.7 Add Image Url Column|New
6.8 Projections in EF Core|New
6.9 Viewbag in Action|New
6.10 ViewData in Action|New
6.11 Depereciated NuGet Package (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures)|New
6.12 View Models in Action|New
6.13 File Upload Input|New
6.14 Combine, Create, and Edit Pages|New
6.15 Rich Text Editor|New
6.16 Create Product|New
6.17 Display Image on Update|New
6.18 Handle Image on Update|New
6.19 Update Product Custom Code|New
6.20 Loading Navigation Properties|New
6.21 DataTables API|New
6.22 Load DataTables|New
6.23 Datatable column count|New
6.24 Edit Product Link in DataTable|New
6.25 Delete Product|New
6.26 SweetAlerts|New
7.1 Home Page|New
7.2 Details Action Method|New
7.3 Details UI|New
8.1 Scaffold Identity|New
8.2 Scaffold Identity Issue (NET8)|New
8.3 Understand what Got Added|New
8.4 Add Identity Tables|New
8.5 Extend Identity User|New
8.6 Register a User|New
8.7 Register an Application User|New
8.8 Create Roles in Database|New
8.9 Assign Roles on Registration|New
8.10 Authorization in Project|New
8.11 Update Login and Register UI|New
8.12 Register Other Fields|New
8.13 UI Bug|New
9.1 Why do we have a Company Role?|New
9.2 Assignment 3|New
9.3 Assignment 3 Solution - Company CRUD Operations|New
9.4 Display Company Dropdown|New
9.5 Toggle Company Dropdown|New
9.6 Register Company User|New
10.1 Add Shopping Cart Model|New
10.2 Add Shopping Cart to Repository|New
10.3 Add ApplicationUser Repository|New
10.4 What will be Model for Details Page?|New
10.5 Add to Cart|New
10.6 Fix Issue with Add to Cart|New
10.7 A Weird Bug|New
10.8 Shopping Cart UI|New
10.9 Get Shopping Cart|New
10.10 Get Order Total in Shopping Cart|New
10.11 Dynamic Shopping Cart|New
10.12 Update Quantity in Shopping Cart|New
10.13 Order Summary UI|New
11.1 Create Order Header and Details Model|New
11.2 Add Order Header and Detail Repository|New
11.3 Make ShoppingCartVM more Dynamic|New
11.4 Summary GET Action Method|New
11.5 Load Summary UI with Data|New
11.6 Order Status|New
11.7 Summary POST Action|New
11.8 Place Order for Company Accounts|New
11.9 Register for Stripe Account|New
11.10 Configure Stripe in Project|New
11.11 Add Helper Methods in Order Header Repository|New
11.12 Stripe in Action|New
11.13 Confirm Stripe Payment|New
11.14 Order Placed Successfully with Stripe|New
12.1 OrderVM and Order Controller|New
12.2 Order List UI|New
12.3 Add Status Filter|New
12.4 Make Status Selected Active|New
12.5 Demo - Filters in Order List|New
12.6 Order Details Get Action|New
12.7 Loading Order Details Header|New
12.8 Display Order Details|New
12.9 Update Order Details|New
12.10 Only Admin and Employee Can See all Orders|New
12.11 Order Processing Buttons Logic|New
12.12 Ship Order|New
12.13 Cancel Order|New
12.14 Process Delayed Payment|New
13.1 Authorization|New
13.2 Session in .NET Core|New
13.3 Remove from Session and Bug|New
13.4 Bug Solution and Logout|New
13.5 Create View Component|New
13.6 View Component in Action|New
13.7 Facebook Social Login|New
13.8 Facebook Login in Action|New
13.9 Creating Admin and Employee Accounts|New
13.10 Session Bug|New
14.1 DBInitializer|New
14.2 DBInitializer Implementation|New
14.3 DBInitializer in Action|New
14.4 SendGrid Email Setup|New
14.5 SendGrid in Action|New
14.6 Create Azure SQL Server and Database|New
14.7 Downgrade to Net 7|New
14.8 Azure Production Deployment|New
14.9 Azure Deployment in Action|New
14.10 Facebook Url|New
15.1 Display User List|New
15.2 Display Company Name|New
15.3 Display Roles|New
15.4 Lock Unlock Action Method|New
15.5 Lock Unlock in Action|New
15.6 Assignment 4 - User Role|New
15.7 Assignment 4 Solution Part 1 - View Code|New
15.8 Assignment 4 Solution Part 2 - Role Logic|New
16: Multiple Product Image|New
16.2 Remove ImageUrl from Product|New
16.3 Product Image Table|New
16.4 Add Product Image Repository|New
16.5 Upload Images on Product Upsert|New
16.6 Demo - Upload Images|New
16.7 Display Image on Update Product Page|New
16.8 Delete Image|New
16.9 Delete Product|New
16.10 Display Image in Shopping Cart|New
16.11 Bootstrap Carousel|New
16.12 Assignment 5 - User Controller|New
16.13 Assignment 5 Solution - User Controller|New
16.14 Microsoft Social Login|New
16.15 Upgrade .NET Version|New
16.16 Deploy Application to Azure using Visual Studio|New